200 Words A Day archive.

Is daily writing a habit yet?

According to Dr. Caroline Leaf, it takes around twenty-one days to rewire neural pathways to begin building a new way of thinking, and another forty-two days to establish a new habit based on the chemical changes that occur in the brain. This adds up to a total of 63 days for a fully-formed new habit.

When I first discovered 200WAD, I started writing with the idea that I want to at least make it to 63 days. I have now surpassed that target. The question is now what? Is this now a habit? It certainly feels like one. 

I am in uncharted territory now because I have not consistently written for this many days in a row in my life. It has been part diary, part journal, and part forum to share what I’m thinking about. 

I also read quite a few posts here as well. It is a great community with lots of good sharing. 

Engaging my brain everyday in personal writing has started to generate ideas. I feel like I have been sharpening my tools. I don’t want them to get dull again.

The next stop is 100. It’s a nice round number. After that the sky is the limit.