200 Words A Day archive.

If you're bored you're doing it wrong

Have you ever heard someone say, “Boy, I have too much money!” I haven’t and it would be absurd to hear someone say that. I find it equally absurd when someone says, “I’m bored.”

Now kids are more prone to being bored compared to adults. For some reason, kids need to have a lot more stimulation. They can’t just sit idle. They have to be occupied with something.

Adults, on the other hand, are generally supposed to be able to keep themselves occupied. I understand we are all experiencing unusual circumstances. Social distancing, no going out unless you have to. I’m hearing the phrase more now, but my thoughts on the matter have not changed.

I don’t get bored. I have so many things to keep me occupied as I talked about on one episode of my podcast. What’s with all these people saying they are bored?

Do you get bored often? If so, maybe you can explain it to me. I believe that if you are bored, you’re doing it wrong. Whatever “it” is. Feel free to change my mind, but it will be an uphill battle for you. Let’s have a debate about it. You won’t be bored.