200 Words A Day archive.

Green arrow pointing up

I have a friend of mine who is heavily involved in fantasy football. I don’t know anything about it other than what he has told me. Apparently they have very sophisticated tools and apps for tracking all the stats and displaying your ranking. One of the indicators, when things are going well, is a green arrow pointing up.

This same friend has had ups and downs in life. He’s had substance abuse issues, which have led to a host of other problems. When things are looking up and he is on the right track, he likes to say that he is “green arrow pointing up.” I’m happy to report that this is how he describes himself currently.

In my own life, I would say overall I am also a green arrow pointing up. I look at it in terms of, “Am I moving in the right direction?” It does not mean that I’m completely satisfied with everything. There are some aspects, both within and outside of my control, that would be described as a red arrow pointing down. That’s fine. It’s always a work in progress toward continued improvement or at least to a level of satisfaction I’m willing to live with.

Are you currently a green arrow pointing up in life? If not, what can you do about that?