200 Words A Day archive.

Go-live weekend

After a month of delays, my client has finally given the green light to upgrade the system this weekend. 

This means I will be working on Sunday to validate data and ensure that all the components were deployed correctly so that the business is ready to go bright and early Monday morning.

I’ve been working on this project since July of last year. It will be nice to finally have the project come to a close. Since October of 2019, we have been operating in dual-maintenance mode. This means every configuration update we made in the old system had to also be made in the new system to keep them both in sync. That takes a lot of work and coordination.

When I became a consultant in 2014, this was my first client. I was part of the original implementation team that installed the version of the system that is now being upgraded. It is rather fitting that I am back on the project six years later to trade in the old model for a shiny new one. Truth be told, the new system is not all that shiny. There are still a lot of workarounds and broken issues that we are carrying forward into the new system. Even the new car smell only lasts for so long.