200 Words A Day archive.

Giving Thanks

The days of sitting around a big table for a feast with my family are in the past and not just because of COVID. People scatter all over and the prospect of them gathering all in one place is daunting and impractical. I am grateful for the celebrations we had.

I was invited by a long-time friend of mine to visit for Thanksgiving. Without this invitation, I was facing the prospect of a Hungry Man turkey dinner. I am grateful not to be alone on Thanksgiving and to be around people I’ve known for a long time.

I like proclaiming myself the “lone wolf,” but I have to admit this year has challenged the great loaner. I do feel the effects of little to no social interaction. I’m not going off the deep end or anything, but I do recognize that it’s probably not healthy (or wellthy) to being alone. This little corner of the web has played a role in keeping me connected, even if it’s still just words on a screen. I am grateful to have the connections and friendships here that will continue.

For the people enjoying Thanksgiving, I hope you stay safe and find it enjoyable. For the people who aren’t celebrating Thanksgiving, I guess this just another Thursday? Nevertheless, enjoy the day!