200 Words A Day archive.

Get uncomfortable

Yesterday I posted a pic on Instagram of me standing in a cryotherapy tank holding a sign that said #getuncomfortable. If you want to see it, find me on Instagram @Lobacrow.

It is very uncomfortable when the tank cools the air to -281 degrees F, and you stand there wearing only underwear, socks, and gloves for three minutes. But this momentary discomfort leads to many beneficial changes including reduced inflammation, better muscle recovery, improved sleep, improved circulation, weight loss, and other benefits.

For the last few months, I have been focusing on improving my health. I realized that comfort is what got me into trouble. Comfort food. Comfort on the couch. Comfort staying in the physical and mental circle I constructed for myself. 

For people who are unfortunate to live life mostly in a state of discomfort, the moment they have comfort they cherish it. It is valuable to them. For people who are fortunate to live life mostly in a state of comfort, they get used to it. Some might say entitled to it. You have your comfort and you want to keep your comfort. You might avoid even the slightest detour out of the comfort zone.

When we are kids, being uncomfortable is just everyday life. There are always new experiences and changes. As we get older we start to settle into habits and comfort. This is where many of us stop growing and improving.

Take a moment today and get uncomfortable. Try something new. Take a different path. See how it feels. I bet it’s not nearly as bad as you imagined.