200 Words A Day archive.

Get to the point

It’s happened to all of us. You see some title of an article with a grandiose claim:

“New discovery reveals why you can’t lose weight!”

“The one investment few people know about with almost guaranteed returns”

“The number 1 supplement for everyone over 40”

Ok fine, I’ll click on it. Then I have to sit and watch a video for 10 or 15 or 20 minutes to get to the sales pitch at the end. I don’t know who has time for that but I don’t. 

Get to the point already. 

Enough of the background that’s just wasting my time. Enough of the back story that you think is important for me to understand what’s going on. Enough of the biographies where the first chapter is the luminary’s great grandfather’s childhood history. 

People want things now. Especially online. I know what I want as a consumer, so as a creator I’m going to give the people what they want. 

Some might say, “What a minute, a band doesn’t come on stage and start playing all their hits right in a row…that would be crazy!” 

Why not? Front-load those songs! People came to hear the hits anyway. You start the show playing the hits, and they will get those butts in the seats right away. Play a run of hits and then throw in a few sleepers. Give people a chance to evacuate bowels and bladders. 

This is a lesson I will apply to the book I’m writing. Enough with the fluff. I won’t waste the reader’s time. I will give the people what they want from the start.