200 Words A Day archive.


I was going to misspell the title a la @efran , but I don’t think I can pull that off as well as he can. It is time for me to pontificate on Fridays. 

Why does everyone look forward to Fridays? Why is TGIF a thing? There is even a restaurant chain called TGI Fridays if it survives the coronavirus epidemic. I think one reason people like Fridays is it is usually payday. When I was younger, Fridays were the party day. I was done with work for the week, and I could stay up late and sleep in on Saturday and still have Sunday before heading back to the grind on Monday. 

Not everyone looks forward to Fridays, however. There are some people who work on the weekends, so they might actually dread Fridays. Unemployed people definitely dread Fridays. During the week, they have the upper hand. They’ve got all the time in the world while the rest of us are slaving away. Once Friday signals that the weekend is here, the unemployed are on a level playing field with everyone else. They can’t wait for the weekend to be over so they have the upper hand once again.

Nowadays, to me Fridays are just like any other day. I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, seven days a week. No sleeping in. I am also working for two clients, which means I need to bill some extra hours usually on Saturday. For me, today is Friday, and tomorrow is more of the same so what’s the big deal about Friday?