200 Words A Day archive.

Friday the 13th

I am not superstitious, so Friday the 13th doesn’t carry any special meaning to me other than reminding me of a series of scary movies I saw when I was a kid. 

I’m still puzzled by hotels that refuse to display the 13th floor on the elevator buttons. Everyone knows when you are staying on the 14th floor which floor you are REALLY staying on.

I once had dinner with a work colleague who did something surprising. When I finished my meal, I placed my utensils on the plate in such a way that they crossed over each other. He saw that and immediately moved them so that they were parallel to each other. I asked him why he did that, and he said, “It’s bad luck to have your utensils cross each other like that.” This is the first and only time I heard that. 

Isn’t it interesting how some people seem to have good luck while others seem to always get a bad deal of the cards? I don’t think that’s an accident. As Cal Hockley said in Titanic, “A real man makes his own luck.” And gals do too, of course.