200 Words A Day archive.

Food is an anti-aging drug

In Chapter 3 of Super Human, Dave Asprey makes the argument that food choices directly contribute to either speeding up or slowing down the aging process. Here are some takeaways after reading this chapter.

Research shows that eating gluten, the protein found in wheat, as well as wheat in general causes inflammation and gastrointestinal distress. There is also a link to autoimmune disease. Gluten also reduces blood flow to the brain, interferes with thyroid function, and depletes your vitamin D levels. Even if you have not been diagnosed with Celiac disease, it sounds like it would be a good idea to reduce or eliminate gluten/wheat from your diet. Opt for lots of organic vegetables, limited organic fruit, and meat from pastured animals.

Dave tried a vegan diet for about six months and ultimately decided to add animal protein back to his diet. One of the key reasons relates to switching from a diet containing animal fats to mostly omega-6 polyunsaturated fats found in plants. Vegetable oils reduce your thyroid function by preventing thyroid hormone from binding to receptors. The thyroid can only compensate for so long before metabolism suffers.

Eat enough protein from pastured animals, eggs, wild fish, or nonallergenic plants for tissue repair and an additional 20+ grams of grass-fed collagen. For lean people, the guide is 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For obese people, the guide is about 0.35 grams per pound of body weight. For elderly folks, pregnant women, or athletes, the guide is 0.6 grams per pound of body weight.

Stay away from fried food as well as charred, blackened, or barbecued meat. Ugh that’s a tough one but you had to know that stuff is bad for you.

Fat is not bad. No matter how much or how little fat you eat, eat the right ratio.

Lean people:

50% saturated

25% monounsaturated

15-20% undamaged omega-6

5-10% omega-3, including EPA and DHA

Obese people:

50-70% saturated

25-30% monounsaturated

10% undamaged omega-3 and omega-6 with added EPA and DHA so that you eat more omega-3 than omega-6.

I hope to learn more about these specific fats in my nutrition course and will revisit the topic in the future.

Experiment with time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting) to establish an eating window of 8-10 hours each day based on your schedule. Don’t eat after dark.