200 Words A Day archive.

First private post

I guess I will experiment with this feature. I always thought if I had something really private to write, I would write it somewhere else. Somewhere on my personal drive and not in a cloud scenario.

I’m trying to plan what to write about on the road. I suppose I will get ideas, but the question is whether to plan any posts ahead of time in case of unforeseen circumstances that would prevent me from keeping the streak alive. I already have April 1 planned, and I’d like to have April 2 planned, but it will depend on any and all reactions to the April 1 post. It will be interesting to see how many people get fooled by that one.

I need to keep pushing forward on the book. It’s hard to do things in a transition with Ann moving. I am ready for things to calm down to a normal level for a bit. The next three months will be nice in terms of establishing a routine. Work won’t be taxing since it’s VHP the easy gig. I wonder how the next gig will affect all my other endeavors? In the meantime it’s push forward but first time for a nap. Love it!