200 Words A Day archive.

Fill up the tank

I knew a guy who always seemed to have money problems. He was the guy who would only put $3 of gas in his car sometimes. You can imagine how many times he ran out of gas and needed to be bailed out. 

I see many people writing about what to write about. It’s a struggle sometimes to hit 200 words. I admit I went through that phase myself. But it doesn’t happen to me anymore. 

Because I fill up the tank.

When you feel like you have nothing to say, it may be a symptom of a different problem. You’re not filling up the tank.

I would like to ask you the following questions:

What are you reading?

What are you listening to?

What are you watching?

How are you engaging your brain on a daily basis? Maybe you’re engaging it too much during the day, and by the time you sit down to write you are wiped out. I get it. 

If I ask you what book are you currently reading and you aren’t reading any books, wrong answer. 

If I ask you what podcasts are you listening to and you say, “What’s a podcast?” Wrong answer.

If I ask you what is the last great documentary you saw and you have no clue, wrong answer.

There is nothing wrong with listening to music, reading comic books, watching mindless content, etc. But if you are doing all of that to the exclusion of consuming quality content like nonfiction books, educational podcasts, and documentaries, you are missing a great opportunity.

The opportunity to fill up the tank.