200 Words A Day archive.

February 2020: Points on the board

Here is my end-of-month summary for February with one extra day to boot!

  • Facebook page Improve Your Sleep: For the month of February, I had a total post reach of 72,504, post engagement of 9,175, and added 44 followers for a total of 152 followers. I don’t really have a sense of what these numbers mean. I still don’t have much engagement on the page, but that’s what the Facebook course is teaching me so I need to be patient. I add some type of content to the page every day.
  • Precision Nutrition course: I completed Chapter 9 and now slugging through Chapter 10: Energy Balance. The course has 20 chapters, and it has been pretty tough. It’s like going back to school, and the subject matter is beyond my background. I do have to admit with my limited time traveling every week, this one ends up falling by the wayside. I’m still determined to finish the course and call myself Level 1 Certified in 2020.
  • Sleep book: Admittedly I have been doing more reading than writing. I finished The Circadian Code, and I started Change Your Schedule, Change Your life as recommended by @bhumi. This is research for Chapter 6: Circadian Timing in my book. I’m also reading Ben Greenfield’s book Boundless, which is basically a biohacking bible that covers all things health.
  • Actual sleep: It wouldn’t make sense if I keep harping about sleep, sleep Facebook page, writing a book about sleep, and then turns out I’m not getting great sleep or trying to improve sleep myself. So the February experiment was using a bracelet worn 30 minutes before bed and while sleeping that purports to improve sleep. Using my Oura ring data, I compared my data from 1/1/20 to present prior to using the bracelet and after 2 weeks (15 nights of data). To be fair, the manufacturer says to wear the bracelet for 30 nights to see full effects. My results so far:


Average sleep score: 85.3

Average REM amount: 2h 12m

Average deep sleep amount: 1h 25m

Average sleep efficiency: 88.3


Average sleep score: 87.3

Average REM amount: 2h 30m

Average deep sleep amount: 1h 20m

Average sleep efficiency: 90.5

My overall sleep score increased by 2 points. Anything 85 or above is considered a good night of sleep. I’m getting on average 18 minutes more REM sleep, but my average deep sleep dropped by 5 minutes. My sleep efficiency (time sleeping vs total time in bed) increased by 2.2 points.

I feel like the bracelet is doing something, and the data seem to suggest something is going on. I have noticed fewer wake-ups during the night, and that has been an area I have been targeting. Admittedly I’ve done a lot of work to improve my sleep already, so I wasn’t expecting any ground-breaking changes.

See you in March!