200 Words A Day archive.

Expectations and Decisions

If someone is really unhappy in his or her job, many times he or she will not be aggressive enough about changing jobs or finding something better. The reason is that the unhappiness in the job has become expected, so the person is not really blaming himself/herself. But if the person finds a new job and is unhappy there, the person will feel like it is his or her fault.

I found this to be an interesting perspective.

There is a decision matrix that some people use to analyze decision-making.

Imagine a four-square matrix with Outcome on the top and Type of Decision on the left. There are four possibilities:

Make a good decision with a good outcome.

Make a bad decision with a good outcome.

Make a good decision with a bad outcome.

Make a bad decision with a bad outcome.

Consider making decisions in groups.

If you make a status quo decision, a consensus decision, with a good outcome, is anyone hailing you as a genius? No. It was expected.

If you make a status quo decision, with a bad outcome, is anyone excoriating you? No. They say, tough luck. Not much you could do.

If you make a bold, unexpected, and risky decision with a good outcome, you are heralded as a great genius.

If you make a bold, unexpected, and risky decision with a bad outcome, everyone calls you an idiot.

How does this affect our decision making? We want to avoid the bad outcomes. So either we don’t make decisions or make very low-risk decisions or we just go with the consensus decisions.

There is a lot more to explore here, but it’s travel day so I will have to save that for a future post.