200 Words A Day archive.

Escape rooms

In a random comment, I mentioned escape rooms and @jasonleow asked me why I do not like the concept. For a humorous take, listen to today’s podcast episode

I cannot stand group projects. It’s one thing if you can pick your team, but if you are randomly assigned to a workgroup and all have to work together for a single grade, this is my least favorite type of “learning.” Inevitably there will be some slackers who don’t do much of anything. They know they can skate by because the high achievers will go above and beyond to ensure a good grade, even if that means they do all the work themselves.

Translate this to an escape room. I don’t want the spotlight to be called on to perform. It does not sound fun for me. If we escape, that was what was supposed to happen. If we fail, well looks like the brainiac couldn’t figure it out. 

A friend of mine is puzzled why I feel so strongly about this. I don’t really give it much thought. I’m simply not interested in the concept. Have fun if this is your cup of tea, but I want to escape from the concept of escape rooms.