200 Words A Day archive.

Email marketing

As if I did not have enough going on, I decided to enroll in another course. This one is called the Inbox Blueprint developed by Anik Singal as part of his Lurn company. He had a very slick presentation about why he thinks email marketing is a good strategy to generate income. You can watch the razzle dazzle here if you are interested. 

I struggled with many of the points he raised about figuring out how to create a website, connecting some sort of email capture, creating a free offer, setting up affiliate links tied to the emails, and trying to monetize the whole thing. He has a slick piece of software called Launchpad that purports to do all of the above. 

I feel like affiliate marketing should be a viable stream of income. Sure, I have the delusions that I will only endorse and write about “products I believe in” but at the same time I need to learn how this business works. I think there is a happy medium between “staying true” and the spam email marketing that continues to flood our inboxes. 

I know there are some people in the community who have some experience with affiliate income, and if you have any opinions about Anik, the course, or the concept in general, feel free to drop me a line.

Let the new adventure begin.