200 Words A Day archive.

Dig deep for your purpose

Definiteness of purpose is the starting point for all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

When you make a decision to start an endeavor, you have the energy and enthusiasm and motivation to get started. Over time this enthusiasm and motivation can diminish especially when the going gets tough. One of the keys to maintaining motivation is remembering the purpose of your endeavor.

Finding your why

I will use writing as an example.

Why do you want to write every day?

Because I want to become a better writer.

Why do you want to become a better writer?

So that my content is clear, engaging, and easily understood.

Why do you want this for your content?

I want people to think about these ideas and be inspired to take action to improve their lives.

How will it make you feel if people do this?

I will feel fulfilled knowing that my stories and honest struggles have allowed people to take action to improve themselves and achieve better experiences in life.

The purpose, the why is usually several layers deep. It is ultimately about how you will feel and what you want to experience when you achieve your goal. 

When you are trying to achieve something great, dig deep to truly understand your purpose and why you are doing what you are doing. Never lose sight of this purpose, and use it as motivation to keep going.


People like to throw around words like “purpose” and “why.” I admit I did the same thing before having a fundamental understanding of what people are talking about.

Some people never even ask the question. They do things because it’s what “society” says to do or someone in their family told them it would be a good idea. Some people drift through life as if on a raft on a stream, going where it takes them.

As I’ve gotten older, I have learned to question everything. And the best question to ask is why.

I have become more deliberate with my actions and habits. Rather than do things for the sake of it, I want a true purpose behind what I’m doing. This is especially important for actions that do not have an immediate payoff. 

Now that I won’t be traveling for the next couple of months, it’s time to update my routine. I don’t have to worry about taking the show on the road, so I’m going to dial in a routine at home and see how much I can accomplish while Rome burns. 

Did I find my why for writing? I’ve been writing every day for over 500 days. What do you think?