200 Words A Day archive.

Brain teasers

I like brain teasers. I found a few old ones saved in my notes app. Enjoy!

There is an English word with the following letters in which the three letters before and the three letters after are the same. What is the word?

_ _ _ ergro _ _ _ 

What is the next letter in this sequence?

O T T F F S S E N __

A woman gave birth to two sons who were born in the same hour of the same date in the same year, but they are not twins. How is this possible?

Which one does not belong?

  • Bull elephant
  • Bull moose
  • Know nothing
  • Socialist

What is the next line in the pattern?









You have two containers: one measure exactly three cups and another measures exactly five cups. How can you use the two cups to measure exactly one cup?

I have 55 coins totaling US $10. There are more nickels than pennies, more dimes than nickels, and more quarters than dimes. How many of each coin do I have?

From a deck of cards, I take two red tens and two black tens face down. I have two pennies, and I place each penny on a card. What is the probability that the pennies will be placed on two cards of the same color?