200 Words A Day archive.


I am constantly puzzled by people who profess to be bored. Am I the weird one to say I never get bored?

Ever since I was a kid, I have managed to keep myself occupied. I suppose when you’re an only child, you get used to doing things on your own. I played with toys by myself. I read a lot. I figured out how to keep myself occupied and not be bored.

I am the same way in adulthood. I see people posting lists of things to do to stay occupied while quarantined, and I have no desire to read any of those lists. I don’t need any ideas. 

I may get bored of a task. I might be reading a book and decide it is uninteresting to me and read something else. The same thing could happen with an audiobook, podcast, tv series, or any other media. I usually jump right into some other task.

This is different from sitting around with supposedly nothing to do and saying, “I’m bored.” That just does not happen to me. 

Let me pull a @haideralmosawi move and ask the reader a question:

Do you get bored? Is it weird for me to say I do not get bored?