200 Words A Day archive.

Biohacking Box Fall 2019

I have a subscription to Dave Asprey’s Biohacking Box. Dave is the founder of Bulletproof, Inc., with perhaps Bulletproof coffee being his most famous creation. 

The biohacking box is curated by Dave and filled with the latest gadgets and supplements that he thinks are cool and wants to share with everyone. Each box is US $100, and I have found the value of the items in each box outweighs that price.

I just received the box this week. Some items I have tried, and other items I’m waiting on. I usually want to jump in and try everything, but then I won’t know which specific product has which effects.

The theme of this quarter’s box is relief and relaxation, and it includes the following items:

Kavaplex - Kava root is found in the South Pacific and has been used for thousands of years during rituals and social gatherings due to its mood-boosting, relaxation, and stress-reducing properties. This is the market’s first and only true full-spectrum kava oil. It is grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals, extracted using a high-pressure, low-heat process, and independently tested for safety and quality. I have only tried it for two days (by placing a dropper of oil under my tongue), but I’m curious to see what effects I feel after continued use.

AkuSpike Ball - Acupressure has been used for over 5000 years for healing and therapeutic treatments. This product is the size of a golf ball with a bunch of different metal spikes on it. The spikes are made from high-grade metals that are naturally found in the body and cause a conductive ionic reaction when they come into contact with the skin. When the spikes are pressed against the body, you will feel a natural warming sensation as your circulation increases. This thing is intense! It’s like a cactus and not a toy. I will continue to use it and see whether I experience the benefits.

Equanimity - Ancient Eastern Medicine texts list Reishi mushrooms as the most valuable of all medicinal herbs. Reishi imparts a multitude of benefits including increased levels of calm, flow, awareness, and a feeling of zen and optimal well-being. Equanimity is a highly concentrated form of Reishi spore oil. This oil is sometimes described as the happier cousin of CBD and is supposed to lead to a higher quality of sleep, improved immune system function, and better stress management. Of course, I’m going to be testing these capsules for the sleep benefit. 

Bliss - This product contains SAM-e, the body’s universal methyl donor, along with a compound called TMG to promote increased energy, stimulate liver detox, and aid with neurotransmitter production. These compounds help increase both serotonin and dopamine levels. Sounds like a win and worth a try. 

2Sleep Tracks - Wholetones has created specially-tuned frequencies combined with calming music to help you relax and sleep better with no side effects. Again, if it is a product that supports sleep, I have an obligation to test it. I plan to download the tracks to my phone and play them when I’m ready for sleep.

Mindful Marks - These are temporary tattoos that help to increase mindfulness and present-moment awareness. The different mark designs represent different suggested intentions, but you can use them how you see fit. The marks will fade on their own after a few days. I can see placing one on my hand so that every time I see it I’m reminded to take a deep breath or get up and walk around.