200 Words A Day archive.


When I didn’t travel a lot, I was terrible at packing. It was like it was my first time packing every time I did it. I packed way more than I needed, often with the end result of at least one checked bag. And I still forgot things.

When I started traveling more as a consultant, I completely changed the way that I pack. I only pack what I need, and I have it down to a science now. No more checked bag unless I’m staying longer than a week somewhere. 

The difference is when you are used to traveling, you can anticipate what you will need based on where you are going. 

When you don’t know where you are going, you bring things you don’t need.

When you have a purpose and vision for your life, you know what it takes to get there. You get rid of the baggage that is holding you back because you know where you are going. When you don’t have that purpose and vision, you will be carrying unnecessary baggage with you.

As @RealNegotiator pointed out in his post, it’s about finding your why.

Take some time to consider your plan for life. What do you really want? Why do you want it? Think about what you need to pack in your life to get there. Leave the rest of your baggage behind.


I wrote this post a year ago. It’s too bad Mark Armstrong doesn’t write on the platform anymore. He provided some great wisdom.

I saw a quote recently that reminded me of this post.

When you don’t know where you’re going, distractions look like opportunities.

Isn’t it interesting how when you are laser-focused on a goal, nothing gets in your way? Somehow, you don’t get distracted. You have your eye on the prize. 

I have experienced this with my personal journey to reverse chronic disease. Once I made that decision and put a plan in place, the path was clear. With a goal in mind, I can see which habits and actions are moving me toward that goal. It is also clear what activity will move me away from my goal. It is why I have prioritized sleep. It is why I have a meditation practice. It is why I practice gratitude every day. It is why I am still going with Project Food as Fuel. It is why I’m stretching my way to increased physical activity. 

My theme for 2020 is Points on the Board. Tomorrow is the end of January, and I owe myself (and anyone mildly interested) a summary of how 2020 is going so far.