200 Words A Day archive.


I blew through the first season (@phaidenbauer -style) of the new Netflix show Away, which is a show that depicts the first manned mission to Mars. 

This show is not a traditional sci-fi show with action-packed drama at every turn. It is a slow and contemplative show that focuses primarily on the characters and their relationships as they go through this experience. I framed it as “This is Us in Space.” 

I like the pacing of the show, which did feel slow at times but only because modern shows have trained us to want constant action. This show gives you time to breathe and focus on the acting and think about what it would be like to go through the experience. It reminds me of shows and movies from decades ago where the pacing was much slower. There are certainly dramatic moments, and there were a few times I was on the edge of the couch cushion.

The arc of the first season involves the crew launching from the moon with the eventual Mars destination. I shall not reveal any spoilers, but I am very much looking forward to season 2.

While we are on the topic, I highly recommend the movie The Martian, which is a more traditional space movie about Mars.