200 Words A Day archive.

Ancient Aliens

Like @jacklyons I have been reading Graham Hancock’s book America Before. I am now officially caught up into the mysteries of ancient civilizations. For all the advancement in knowledge and technology by modern humans, it is surprising how little we know about our own past.

I found the series Ancient Aliens on Amazon Prime. I had heard about the show but never watched it. I watched the first episode and now I’m hooked.

The basic premise of the show seems to be to explore the various ancient structures and archeological findings and speculate wildly about the origins. It seems that the precision that was used in the architecture seems to outmatch what we can do today. It is certainly beyond what is commonly thought of as the level of sophistication of such ancient cultures. Ancient aliens seems to suggest that extra terrestrials have visited earth and either constructed these grand creations or helped humans construct them using advanced technology.

I don’t know what to make of it other than to be fascinated by the archeological findings and how mysterious they are. I don’t remember history being this cool when I was learning it in school. This is a great diversion from the usual content and one I’m excited to explore further.