200 Words A Day archive.

Amazon Prime Day

Today marks the start of another completely made-up “holiday” christened solely for the purpose of separating you from your hard-earned cash. 

The first Amazon Prime Day I made out like a bandit. I remember getting quite a few deals. The past few years, however, have been a different story. Either last year or the year before the website kept going down and I just gave up. Sometimes there is nothing but junk or 5% off, which is supposedly a “deal.”

This year I approached Amazon Prime Day cautiously. I didn’t want to get my hopes up. The best case scenario is finding deals on items that I was planning to buy anyway. Or perhaps finding deals on non-perishable household items that I can always use.

I am happy to say this year things have gone well. I’ve gotten some excellent deals–we’re talking 30-50% off the Prime price. This year you can also get 6% cashback if you use the Amazon credit card, which I do. It’s amazing to see how much that adds up. Of course, it only makes sense to use it if you’re going to pay off the balance every month otherwise the finance charges eliminate any cash back or potential savings.

Has anyone else had any luck with Amazon Prime Day this year?