200 Words A Day archive.

A streak broken

Yesterday on July 4, 2019 Project Food as Fuel took a hit. My streak of 67 days of being in nutritional ketosis ended. 

For those who are unfamiliar, Project Food as Fuel is the name for my endeavor to reverse Type 2 diabetes using a medically-supervised ketogenic diet. The idea is to reduce carbohydrate intake to transition the body from using glucose for fuel. When the body does not have sufficient glucose, it starts breaking down fat and creating ketones to use as fuel. The state when the body is using ketones for fuel is called ketosis. Ketosis lowers blood sugar and insulin, elevated levels of which are the hallmarks of Type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional ketosis occurs when one consumes macronutrients in a way that severely restricts carbohydrates to achieve a certain level of ketones in the blood. The threshold for nutritional ketosis is 0.5 mmol/L, which I measure the same as blood glucose with a blood test.

On Saturday, April 27th I began Project Food as Fuel with strict dietary changes. On Sunday, April 28th I measured ketones of 0.6 mmol/L and have been in nutritional ketosis every day until yesterday.

The funny thing is the holiday was irrelevant. I stayed home. I was not planning to binge or do anything out of the ordinary. I switched up my routine just enough to throw off the balance. I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. I made chicken tenders for lunch. I also had some cheese crisp snacks. Add it all up and it was too much protein. Yes, in addition to restricting carbohydrates I have to restrict protein because too much protein turns into blood glucose. 

I was really mad at myself yesterday afternoon when I measured ketones of 0.2 mmol/L. It’s one thing if you plan it or are expecting it. It’s another when you are caught off guard. So I said screw it. It’s hot outside. I’m going to get some ice cream. If Joey Chestnut can eat 71 hot dogs (and buns) in 10 minutes* and somehow still live, I can eat some ice cream. In case you are curious about what I had, here is a link to it. They said they were out of sugar crystals so I substituted Heath bar. 

Here is my observation. The first three or four bites were absolutely delicious. After that, the satisfaction dropped off a cliff. In addition, the best part was actually the waffle bowl. I got the small bowl and ate about half. I could not finish the rest. Too much. I got back home and felt a little buzzed. So that is what a sugar rush feels like. I didn’t eat anything the rest of the evening. I went to bed early to ensure I would get proper sleep. 

Today is a new day. I slept well (Oura sleep score = 92). I am back to Bulletproof coffee for breakfast. I purposely did not check numbers this morning and will check them later in the day. 

I am making the most of this experience to learn from it. Breaking a streak sucks! But my resolve to reach my goal is unwavering.  

*I think they should have all competitive eaters wear continuous glucose monitors during competitions. The data could be broadcast in real time, so we can see the effects of such large consumption on the body.