200 Words A Day archive.

A smart(er) home?

I read an article recently that described disgruntled Tesla owners who got locked out of their cars on Labor Day. Apparently these owners use the Tesla app exclusively, and it went down for about three hours. The physical key card or fob would have worked had they had it with them. A Tesla is my dream car, but the idea of not being able to unlock the car and drive it because an app went down is unacceptable.

The extent of my smart home is a Nest thermostat, Arlo security cameras, and a Phillips Hue smart bulb. That’s it. No Amazon Alexa listening to my conversations. No opening my garage door with an app. And most certainly no digital lock on my front door. 

I understand the convenience of the Internet of Things, but when it comes to the Keys to the Kingdom I do not want to be hacked or sabotaged digitally. I do not want to be at the mercy of some internet connection or an app for something as critical as locking and unlocking the doors of my house. If someone wants to break in, he will have to do it the old-fashioned way. And he will face the consequences. I live in the Wild West after all.