200 Words A Day archive.

A result of getting uncomfortable

I wrote recently about getting uncomfortable. One of the ways I have gotten uncomfortable recently is enduring cryotherapy. I have done seven sessions so far and did three in a row this week with one more planned today.

The maximum setting for the cryotherapy chamber is -321 degrees. That is a long three minutes standing in your underwear getting blasted with liquid nitrogen. It is most definitely uncomfortable. But is it worth it?

I have noticed a few benefits since starting cryotherapy. My mood has been better. My sleep has definitely improved as measured by the Fitbit and the Oura Ring. My blood sugar readings have been improving. I have continued to lose weight. I was already working on this, but the calorie burn the body uses to heat you back up definitely helps.

I suppose now the question is whether to continue with the therapy. I purchased ten sessions to be used in a one-month period to try it out. On one hand, it would be interesting to stop the therapy and compare how I feel without it. On the other hand, I might not have achieved the full benefits yet and may lose the momentum if I stop. At least I have some time to decide.

In the meantime, this experiment in getting uncomfortable has been a success.