200 Words A Day archive.

A kind gesture

Prior to the “Great Lockdown,” one of the families in the neighborhood enjoyed hosting an event called Hot Dogs and Hamburgers in the Park every other Saturday. Since we have not had an event in a while, they wanted to have the event in spirit by delivering pizzas to neighbors. This was a very nice gesture. 

Here’s the problem. I did not realize that a pizza was put at my front porch until 1:00 PM today when I went to go get the mail. I checked my Arlo security camera and noted that the pizza was delivered around 6 PM last night. I happened to be over at a friend’s house watching the Chicago Bulls documentary The Last Dance since he has ESPN and I don’t. This means that pizza was sitting out there for over 18 hours. It’s just as well because it was Little Caesar’s pizza, which even a fresh one is on par with a still-frozen Tombstone. I mean, if I’m going to cheat it’s going to be GOOD pizza. You would think that whoever delivered the pizza would confirm that someone is home, but I could tell it was a kid who knocked once and then just dropped it off.

Nevertheless, I will email that neighbor to tell them I appreciate the gift and wish them well. Good neighbors are valuable.

And remember, like a good neighbor State Farm is there. Well you know, bad neighbors are there too. Do you think there are nothing but good neighbors around you??