200 Words A Day archive.

A healthier butter?

I saw an article today that set me up for this rant. I don’t even want to link to it to give it traction, but you need to see the context for my response.


“Scientists create…“ 

Do we really think scientists are going to create a food product healthier than something produced naturally?

“Some vegetable-based oil spreads like margarine are considered a healthier alternative…“ 

The passive voice prevents us from knowing who is doing the considering. Certainly not me. And hopefully not you either. 

Look there are four types of fats:

Saturated - These are the ones considered the Enemy of the People. There are good sources and bad sources. Coconut oil, MCT oil, grass fed ghee are some good options.

Monounsaturated - These fats can also be healthy including sources such as avocado, macadamia nuts, and olive oil.

Polyunsaturated - These fats include Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats. You want more Omega 3’s (think wild caught salmon) and only small amounts of Omega 6 fats.  

Trans fats - These are the worst. Stay away from them.

As part of Project Food as Fuel I avoid the following oils: soybean oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil, and peanut oil. I also avoid all margarine. 

“The advantages to using non-butter spreads far outweigh the benefits of dropping a few tablespoons of real butter in your coffee every morning.”

Okay, this is a direct hit against my beloved Bulletproof coffee

The best part of the article is the comments. Thankfully, most people get it and challenged these same ideas. 

The bottom line is be wary of what you read and pay attention to the right people.