200 Words A Day archive.

66 days to a daily habit

I am grateful for finding 200wordsaday and the community of great people who are inspired and inspiring. It has been great to have a tool to help me start a daily writing habit. 

According to Michael Hyatt, the research shows that on average it takes 66 days to install a daily habit. I was thinking about how long I plan to keep my streak going. Some people caution against focusing too much on the streak itself. I think it makes sense to keep going long enough for the habit to stick. 70 days is a good target.

What happens after 70 days? Well, I will be satisfied with reaching that milestone and then the writing will continue. 

In the grand scheme of things, 66 days isn’t really that long. A little over two months and you can firmly establish habits that you have never had before. Or you can undo bad habits you’ve had for years. It just takes discipline.

The beginning of the new year represents a fresh start. I don’t want to get caught up in New Year’s resolutions, but I do want to make 2019 a year to remember. I’m starting with a daily writing habit, and I’m going to add more habits to the list. Small changes compounding over time lead to big results. Here’s to big results in 2019!