200 Words A Day archive.

12 weeks with the Zona Plus

In October of 2019, Dave Asprey released his latest book Super Human - The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever.

I wrote a post about the first chapter, and among the action steps was this note:

“To help with cardiovascular issues, try the Zona Plus, a digitally controlled handheld device that uses the science behind isometric exercise to increase both vascular flexibility (thus decreasing blood pressure) and the production and flow of nitric oxide throughout the body. It’s a cool biohack for anyone who wants to improve their cardiovascular health. BW–This is the first time I heard of this tool, and I’m definitely going to research it.”

On Zona’s website, Dave has a prominently featured video endorsement. That’s enough to at least get me to have a look.

You know those people who say they may look into something and never do? Yah, that’s not me. I don’t mess around. I not only researched the science and this device, but I also bought one and have been using it for the last twelve weeks. 

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in my 20’s and was taking prescription medicine up until about a year ago. Due to healthy lifestyle changes (mostly diet), I was getting lightheaded and had to keep cutting the dose of medication in half until I finally got the green light to stop taking it. 

Even though my blood pressure has been below a threshold for which medication is recommended, it’s still been a bit higher than I would prefer. Standard blood pressure should be around 120/80. Mine was running a bit higher around mid 120s over mid 80s. 

On January 13, 2020, I started a 12-week program using the Zona Plus device five days per week. Each session I started by squeezing as hard as I could with each hand to establish a baseline. Starting with the right hand, I squeezed with a specific amount of force for two minutes. I rested one minute and then did the same with the left hand. I repeated the cycle one more time with each hand. 

It’s not exactly the most exciting or fun exercise. I had to stay focused on the device to make sure I was squeezing the right amount. This meant no visual distractions. I usually passed the time with a podcast.

Starting stats:

Left: 64

Right: 67

BP: 121/91

At the end of 12 weeks:

Left: 79

Right: 91

BP: 120/82

Overall my strength in both hands increased, but my right hand is still dominant over the left one. The bottom number of blood pressure decreased significantly. 

This device was not cheap. Was it worth it? Well, good health costs money, bad health costs more. You pay now or you pay later. One of the fundamental markers for health is blood pressure, so I would say yes it was worth it for me. I’m going to take a break from the device. If I notice my blood pressure creeping back up again, I’m going to run through another round of therapy.